Theory of MachinesMechanical Engineering

Degrees of freedom

The connection of a link with another imposes certain constraints on their relative motion thus,

Degrees of freedom = 6 – number of restraints

Degree of Freedom of Space Mechanism (3-D)

F = 6(L – 1) – 5P1 – 4P2 – 3P3 – 2P4P5

Here,      F = Degree of freedom (D.O.F.)
L = Total number of links in mechanism
P1 = Number of pairs having one D.O.F.
P2 = Number of pairs having two D.O.F.
P3 = Number of pairs having three D.O.F.
P4 = Number of pairs having four D.O.F.
P5 = Number of pairs having five D.O.F.

  • Degree of freedom of plane (2D) mechanism (Gruebler’s Criterion)

F = 3(L– 1) – 2P1P2
Here, L = Number of links in a mechanism
P1 = Number of pairs having one degree of freedom
P2 = Number of pairs having two degree of freedom

  • Kutzback’s equation

F = 3(– 1) – 2j h
Here,         L = Number of link, j = Number of lower joints,
h = Number of higher joints

  • Grubler’s Equation: For those mechanisms which have single degree of freedom and zero higher pair.

3l – 2j – 4 = 0
Here, l = Number of links, j = Number of binary joints

  • Degree of Freedom: F = 0 (Frame), F < 0 (Redundant frame)

F > 0 (constrained/unconstrained frame)
All mechanisms have minimum 4 number of links.

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