(i) ZBUS can be obtained as inverse of YBUS given by
(ii) In ZBUS matrix, the diagonal elements are short circuit driving point impedance and the off-diagonal elements are short circuit transfer impedances.
(iii) ZBUS is generally used for short circuit studies.
(iv) ZBUS is a full matrix i.e. zero elements in YBUS become non-zero elements in the corresponding ZBUS.
(v) The size of ZBUS matrix is equal to number of buses other than the reference bus.
(vi) ZBUS matrix is difficult to form and difficult to modify (ZBUS matrix is formed by algorithum method).
(vii) ZBus is very useful in fault study. Hence, ZBus matrix will be preferred over YBus matrix in fault study of the system.
- In a pure imaginary YBUS matrix, the off-diagonal elements are positive imaginary and the diagonal elements are negative imaginary.
- When a shunt element is connected to the existing system then, only diagonal elements of YBUS will be affected.
- If a series element is connected to the existing system then, diagonal as well as off diagonal elements will be affected in the YBUS matrix.
- The condition for convergence of a load flow problem is that all the diagonal elements of the YBUS must dominate the off-diagonal elements.
- When a shunt capacitor is connected in the existing system then, the chances of divergence of the load flow problem is increased while if a shunt reactor is connected then, the changes of convergence of the load flow study is increased.