Power Generation ConceptsElectrical Engineering

Impedance and Admittance Matrices


  • Power system network can be analysed using either mesh current method or nodal voltage method. However, from the view point of the computation time and memory, the nodal admittance formulation employing the node voltages as the independent variable is the most economical. Hence, it is most preferred.
  • In load flow study following points need to be considered :
    (i) Generators are represented by complex power sources (SGi = PGi + jQGi)
    (ii) Loads are represented as complex power demand (SDi= PDi + jQDi)
    (iii) The transmission lines connected to ith bus are replaced by their π-equivalent circuits, i.e., with series admittance and half line charging admittance.
    (iv) Each transmission line will present an admittance between the bus and the ground. Hence, the total admittance (Yio) is the sum of the admittances due to all the transmission lines connected to the bus.

Now, let us consider the figure shown below.

Let us assume that there is no mutual coupling between the transmission lines and there is no regulating transformer present in system.

Power System

Here, Yik=(i ≠ k) = total admittance connected between the ith and the kth buses [Yik (i ≠ k) = 0
if no transmission line is between ith and kth bus]
Yio=Admittance connected between ith bus and the ground.
Now, applying KCL at the ith bus, we have


Properties of YBUS:

Following are some of the properties of YBUS matrix.
(i) It is “sparsity matrix” “sparsity matrix” “sparsity matrix” “sparsity matrix” “sparsity matrix”.
(ii) It is a symmetric matrix i.e. [YBUS] = [YBUS]T.
(iii) It is a square matrix (n × n) and hence it’s inverse is possible.
(iv) The inverse of a YBUS matrix is a full matrix, i.e., ZBUS.

  • Since in a power system each bus is connected only to a few other buses (two or three), there are large number of zero elements in a YBUS matrix compared to a ZBUS matrix.
  • Load flow study can also be done using a ZBUS matrix but, it is usually done with a YBUS matrix because it’s sparsity is very high.

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