Boolean AlgebraElectrical Engineering


  • Logic gates are the based building blocks of any digital system. They are usually constructed in LSI and VLSI circuits along with other devices.
  • It is an electronic circuit having one or more than one input and only one output. The relationship between the input and output is based on a certain logic.
  • Each input and output have one of the two binary conditions, false and true or LOW and HIGH, false or low represents ‘0’, and true HIGH represents 1.
  • The function of each logic gate will be represented by Boolean expression.
  • Truth table: It a means for describing how a logic circuits output depends on the logic levels present at the inputs.
  • For an “N-input”, there will be 2N number of output combinations.
    • Logic gates are classified as
      – Basic Gates : NOT, AND, OR.
      – Universal Gates : NAND, NOR
      – Special purpose Gate : EX-OR, EX-NOR.

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