Fluid MechanicsCivil Engineering

Efficiencies of Centrifugal Pump

The various losses that may occur in centrifugal pump are as follows:

(a) Hydraulic losses
– Friction loses in the impeller.
– Shock losses at the entry and exit of impeller.
– Friction and other minor losses in the suction pipe or delivery pipe.
– Eddy losses in guide vanes and casing.
(b) Mechanical losses
(c) Leakage losses

Mechanical Losses

• Due to these losses different types of efficiencies are defined which are as follows:
(i) Manometric efficiency: It is defined as the ratio of manometric head developed by the pump to the head imparted by the impeller to the liquid.

Mathematically, manometric efficiency,

Manometric Efficiency

(ii) Volumetric efficiency: It is defined as the quantity of liquid discharged by the pump to the quantity passing per second through the impeller

Volumetric Efficiency

(iii) Mechanical efficiency: It is defined as the ratio of power actually delivered by the impeller to the power supplied to the shaft by the motor.

Mechanical Efficiency

(iv) Overall efficiency: It is defined as the ratio of power output from the pump to the power input from shaft.

Overall Efficiency


  • If the absolute pressure at the suction side of pump drops below the vapour pressure of the liquid then  cavitation occurs.
  • Cavitation can be avoided if pressure at inlet is more and vapour pressure is less. Lower velocity at suction side reduces the friction loss in suction side, reduced temperature leading to reduction in vapour pressure etc. are helpful in eliminating cavitation.

Limitation on suction lift

Applying Bernoulli’s eq. between 1 and 2, we have,

Suction Lift


  • The process of filling the water or removing the air from casing and suction pipe is known as priming of pump.
  • Priming is done to ensure that the impeller does work directly on water.
  • Before starting a pump, its impeller and suction pipe have to be filled with water in order to remove any air, gas from the waterway of the pump.
  • If a centrifugal pump is not primed before starting, air pockets inside the impeller may give rise to vortices and cause discontinuity of flow.
  • As we know that head generated by the revolving impeller depends upon the density of fluid, so when air, whose density is 800 times less than water, is mixed with water the head generated gets reduce greatly

where, NPSH = (Ha– hs) – Hv
Ha = atmospheric pressure head
Hv = vapour pressure head
hs = suction head

Working of Reciprocating pump

  • It is used for relatively small discharge to be pumped to high head.

Reciprocating Pump

  • Reciprocating pump operates at low speed but the rotating speed of the energy supplying equipment is high. Hence it is coupled to electric motor by V-belt so that rpm of pump can be reduced.
  • Both the suction and delivery pipe valves are one way or non-return valves.
  • As the crank is rotating from A to C, the piston is moving towards right in the cylinder. It will create a partial vacuum in the cylinder.
  • Pressure at surface of liquid in sump is atmospheric which is more than the pressure inside the cylinder.
  • Therefore liquid is forced in suction pipe from sump which opens the suction valve and enters the cylinder.
  • When the crank rotates from C to A, the piston from its extreme right moves towards left in the cylinder. This movement increases the pressure inside the cylinder more than atmospheric pressure, due to which suction valve is closed and delivery valve to be opened. And hence liquid is forced into the delivery pipe and is raised to the required level.

Design Parameters of Reciprocating Pump

  • Volume of water discharged per second,

Q = ALN/60 m3/s

A = Area of cylinder (in m2)
L = Length of cylinder (in m)
N = Crank speed (in rpm)

  • If the head against which water is to be lifted is
    Hs = hs + hd
    where, hs= suction head, hd = delivery head
  • Work done per second = γQ(hs + hd)
  • Reciprocating pumps are used to lift water against high head at low discharge.
  • To increase discharge and to maintain it more uniform, double acting reciprocating pumps are used.

Reciprocating Pumps

where Cd= Coefficient of discharge
Slip is negative when
(i) delivery pipe is small and suction pipe is long
(ii) Pump is running at very high speed.


Centrifugal Pump

Reciprocating Pump

Discharge is continuous and smooth

Starting torque is more

Maintenance cost is less

Can run at highest speeds

Less wear and tear

Less efficiency

Cost of centrifugal pump is less

Needs smaller floor area

Suction and delivery valve is not necessary

Discharge is fluctuating and pulsating

Starting torque is less

Maintenance cost is more

Cannot run at higher speeds

More wear and tear

More efficiency

Cost of reciprocating pump is approximately four times the cost of centrifugal pump

Requires large floor area and maintenance cost is high Suction and delivery valve is necessary

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